Human Resources

Do because the Software of human resources (HR) should be priority in most companies? Do because the Software of human resources (HR) should be priority in most companies? The majority of companies does not give enough attention to the responsibilities of the HR Department. The most surprising thing is that…

Status Information

Modern systems engineering infrastructure livelihood of a large city is a complex technical objects, which are characterized by an extremely high degree of branching, the set feedback and a very large territorial distribution. The fact that even a little effective control such a complex engineering system is impossible without the…

Program Requirements

In some cases, parts of the documents GOST 19 and 34 and RUP artifacts is almost completely coincide with each other. An example of almost complete compliance with sections can serve the requirements of GOST 19.301-79 "program and testing procedures", which coincide with the requirements of artefact to Section RUP…