Direct Embryonic Development

In the animals that present direct development the individuals are, then from the birth, very similar to the adult state. After the fecundao, the eggs ranks for the female are presented constituted of: (1) egg yolk or vitelo, that it supplies the necessary nutrients the cellular divisions and the formation…

This Tower

When the man, who wants to be, established a close relationship with the creator, acquires specific characteristics of it that can lead it to great achievements. Gideon sets a striking example when it pursued Zebah and Zalmunna, Kings of Midian. To read more click here: Ali Partovi. The army of…


Well, that's all. Time to work with the designer OS.nLite When you run nLite will politely ask us to provide service in the form of election to the language of interaction with the utility (by default you will 'talk' in Shakespeare's dialect). Choose a great and powerful, and in the…

Digital Magazine

Success is easy to obtain. How difficult it is to deserve it.Albert Camus one more anniversary of this Digital Magazine is being met, what makes them three in total of its existence, magazine, which since its birth has had as purpose, provide for free to interested parties concerning topics managerial,…