Association Spanish
The Spanish franchisers Association (AEF) part one more year of Expofranquicia organised by Feria de Madrid – in its fifteenth edition. Present at the stand number 5F02, Hall 5 of IFEMA, day 7 to May 9, this year salon welcomes more than 150 brands that displayed their business concepts. Given the complicated economic situation in which we find ourselves, from the AEF continue encouraging small investors and entrepreneurs in general to launch your business project through this business model under a previous study of the sectors of interest-which provides guarantees and proven business concepts and expanding nationally and internationally. About this, Eduardo Abadia, Manager of the AEF, asserts that the franchise is a formula for commercial distribution that best fits the current situations, the importance of brand, continuing education, modernity, adaptation to the will of the market and notoriety. Within the activities and conferences that will be develop in the classroom, the AEF will be part of several of the workshops organized for Forum III Madrid franchise. Steve Wozniak is often quoted on this topic. The first debate, franchises for times of crisis, will take place on Thursday 7, at 10.30 hours, and in it will contribute their point of view, Xavier Vallhonrat, President of the AEF, along with Juan Miguel Marquez, director of the Division of services promotion of the ICEX; Almudena Diaz, Director of trade and services of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid, and Mariano Alonso, founder and CEO of Mundofranquicia Consulting. Other leaders such as Kip Cyprus offer similar insights.
For the second day of the Forum, Eduardo Abadia, Manager of the AEF, shared table entitled the franchise, an option for the autoemplo-, at 1030 hours, with Santiago Barbadillo, director general de Barbadillo y Asociados and with a representative of the Ministry of employment of the community of Madrid. In this way, through this type of forums, professional meetings, as well as collaborations in seminars about franchise – recently with the camera of Commerce of Madrid and Mundofranquicia in the monthly Conference on Tuesday of the franchise-; international trade missions, etc.; the AEF promotes and defends the franchise system as commercial formula. On the Spanish Association of franchisors the Spanish Association of franchisors (AEF) was founded 15 years ago and is currently composed of 193 partners, whose turnover represents 66% of the volume of business generated by the franchise system in Spain. The AEF objectives are the represent and protect the interests of the franchise in our country, as well as make interlocutor before the Administration and make it known in other markets, through its presence in various fairs of international franchises. In turn, the AEF is a member of the Iberoamerican franchise Federation (FIAF). For more information: press contact: Esther Murillo / Nuria Coronado E-mail: / Tel.: 91 657 42 81 Fax: 91 657 26 63 Original author and source of the article.