Biotechnology Projects
STATE UNIVERSITY OF PIAUI-UESPI SUZANA ALINE DAYS YOU WOULD MAKE INTRODUCTION To deal with the pertinent subjects the biotechnology is being of great importance in the present time; therefore, the medias have divulged innumerable discovered attributed to the use of advanced technologies to the biotechnology. The boarding cell-trunk, for example, is a subject that if becomes current in TV reporters, periodicals, magazines, books. This subject must be boarded in classroom in order to guide, to enable and to inform to the pupils on these questions that if become controversies for society and is of utmost importance. In recent years the subject ' ' cells-tronco' ' he has been very debated, and it is object frequently displayed in the media. As the majority of the great new features, this area is being overestimated.
However, it does not have doubts of that its potentialities are enormous. In the truth, what if it has today are a series of perspectives and the results gotten in the experiences in animals of small transport, not being able still to be surpassed for the species human being. Therefore, it was decided to elaborate a Project of Biotechnology focusing one of its more varied subjects as the CLULAS-TRONCO, that it aims in recent years to inform the pupils on the advances of this subject. This will present to the pupils the advances of the biotechnology from the study of the cell-trunk. Recently, the Supreme Federal Court decided in favor of the research with these cells. A good information is essential and the school can give a great step, aiming at to make possible and to guarantee an action that helps the pupils of average education to more have an extended critical vision and on subjects of the daily one.
This project will be developed in the groups of 3 year of average education in the period of 23e 24 of November of 2010, in the Pertaining to school Unit Solange Viana hosted in the Promorar quarter in the Transversal Avenue of quarter S/N. GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To present the pupils of average education, simple form and descomplicada, concepts, ethical applications, potentialities and questions involving the cell-trunk study thus despertando a critical and brought up to date vision of the reality where they live. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES? To approach basic concepts on cells and cell-trunk arguing some topics: classification, development and localization of the cell-trunk, as well as the main interests (use and study) and involved ethical questions with the subject. To present, through mini-courses, lessons and lectures on the cell-trunk. To debate with groups of pupils the subject argued with questionings, analysis criticizes and attainment of results. DEVELOPMENT the subject will be given through the accomplishment of lectures in form of mini-courses, expositivas lessons, research in informative periodical texts, magazines, visualization of videos in DVD or dates show. EVALUATION the evaluation will be made by means of the participation and interest of the pupil in the debates, reading and commentaries of texts and summaries of the presented videos. MATERIAL RESOURCES Date show, DVD, books, magazines, periodicals, research of Internet, acrylic picture. CRONOGRAMA OF APPLICATION the project will be executed in days 23 and 24 of November of 2010, through two lessons, being: 45 minutes of mini-course and 45 minutes of lecture with the participation and commentaries of the pupils.