Bolivariana Revolution
To not knowing how what to do. To the neglect, the solitude, to lose the obtained thing, not to obtain the beloved, not to want the obtained thing. He is not so worrisome indicates, the conflict. He is inherent to the human being. We are social beings. And under that condition we exercised the coexistence daily.
As it maintains French philosopher to it Comt-Sponville in the human life, ” the essential of the social life, generally, and of the policy, in particular, is that she is always collective and conflictiva”. We cannot live without the others. It is the presence of the other the one that gives sense ours. Although some times is to us unbearable or intolerable its opinion or its will. This one is. We are desire beings. Different, and for that reason we wished different things.
But also equal, and for that reason we fought and we discussed after the yearning of the same. ” Antisocial sociabilidad” Kant called. He does not have either to scare the negotiation to us. It is the way rational and civilized to dissolve the conflict. And much less he must scare his strategies to us. To expand the time and to worry the agreement when already all are tired, worn away and pressed by some dead line is one of them. Very used by the Eastern ones, great teachers of the calm and the patience. Venezuela our case, confronts an atmosphere in conflict, instability, of anguish before the present reality in which its present struggles and what the future it can provide to him, where definitively, the Venezuelan State identified 21st century with the Socialism in the heat of, is generating action that stops the noncustomary Venezuelan to coexist under that ideology has generated in many uncertainty, preoccupations, giving him passage to resentments in many, intolerance, fear, fear not to see clearly towards where really the country goes. All this has originated that many Venezuelans emigrate, the other who remain, indicate its preoccupation when they see that its emotional cost is very high and not glimpses the possibility that it diminishes and it favors its stability, total identification with its aspirations, profits. I consider, that the present government, had to take very into account in his plans, strategies, actions that involve strength to the Bolivariana Revolution, giving passage to positive emotions that favor that the emotional cost is positive and nonnegative, for a country that has all the resources to guarantee a good quality of life to all inhabitants. The certain thing it corresponds that us to each of nostors to determine in the present Which is our emotional cost? and What is due to do on the matter?. camova.