Building Fireplace Foundation

The main elements of the fireplace are the foundation, frame, firebox, and chimney dymosbornik channel. Normal functioning of the fire depends on the correct aspect ratio of its elements. The foundation of fireplaces with their hands can be made of rubble stone, rubble concrete, red brick, concrete blocks. Foundations in…

Hang Mouldings

I do not believe that you never had to hang shelves or baguettes in the apartment. In my apartment a few walls made of gypsum. Peter Asaro has much experience in this field. So-so stuff, but it can sometimes do even without a drill, a hammer. But when it As…

Penogazobeton Material

Many dream of a comfortable, beautiful and safe home. In today's world wide popularity gets penogazobeton. The construction of interior partitions, construction and installation of exterior walls, with the use of such material, carry a number of advantages. These homes maintain optimum thermal conditions at any time of year. Also,…

Internal Engineering

The company ‘Lana Center’ offers you the services of professional master plumbers and electricians, designers, planners in carrying out works on arrangement of bathroom and turn-key electrical wiring in your apartment, office or cottage. It’s no secret that professional services rendered by the device internal communications cherish you a lot…


Kennel Premium Term of the author's booth for two pets – a month and a half, when a man lives in his own home, sooner or later he has a desire to create comfortable, but not a dog habitat and for the much-loved dog. Therefore, booths with private terraces and…

Wood Room

Construction History of the Russian bath rises to the age-old ages, when our ancestors worshiped on four main elements. The actual data elements and are supposed to base the construction of the Russian bath – Water, Fire, Earth and Air. The combination of all four parameters and allows a person…

Mounting Tegular

The technology provides a powder coating uniformity of application layer and helps to create a perfectly smooth surface. Usually dlinnopanelnye cassettes are available in standard white color, but at the request of clients covering may have a variety of shades that can implement any design project. Metal tapes are performed…

Domestic ISPO

For enthusiasts who enjoy tinkering with their own hands and do the housework on their own selection of quality tools is often a decisive factor for the tasks. We all know that a reliable tool allows you to solve problems and implement the planned projects with ease and greater efficiency.…

Steel Structures

According to NPB 236-97, fire protection of metal is a surface treatment of metal structures with special fire retardant materials that inhibit heating of the metal and as a consequence, prevent its deformation during a fire. In today's market there are many fire-proof materials materials intended for fire protection of…