Wood Room
Construction History of the Russian bath rises to the age-old ages, when our ancestors worshiped on four main elements. The actual data elements and are supposed to base the construction of the Russian bath – Water, Fire, Earth and Air. The combination of all four parameters and allows a person to experience the present relief in the body, because after a visit to the baths of the body are derived lactic acid, a variety of toxins, and simply fatigue. If a person lives in a big city, then to warm up it will need to visit the bathhouse or sauna, located in different areas. But if a person lives out of town, in a private home, many fans steam bath are building on their land. Due to the fact that the room is built so, as the owner wants the country house, construction of baths is at will. In this case, not only all the rooms of the Russian bath will arranged on an individual project, but the temperature in the bath can be adjusted accordingly demands of the body. If some in order to warm up enough temperature to 80 degrees, then others will want a higher temperature, which will require appropriate equipment.
Typically, a real Russian banya has several premises, without which it would not be room. Saunas are made of natural wood from hardwood rocks, which do not emit when heated resin, available in coniferous trees. The composition of bath includes the following facilities: steam room, wash room, lounge and a connecting hallway. All areas can achieve quality bathing and relaxation that allows the body to get positive emotions and getting rid of various antropoksinov. Quite often, the owners of suburban property, possession of drugs and free parcel of land being parked for most bath for additional space to where the small pool, billiard room, massage room and barbecue or barbeque. All of these areas improve the quality of rest, which everyone expects after a week of work. When calculating the size of bath, be aware that steam alone would not like anyone. And if you have friends and relatives who love to bathe bath, then if the construction work on its construction, it is necessary to count on them. After all, they will be coming to visit you, take a steam bath, drink beer and talk about life in a relaxed atmosphere.